Wednesday, October 20, 2010

One Month Old

I'm a little late posting this, but I need to do it now before we're already at TWO Months!

Sweet Grayson,

You're already a month old!! And oooohhh how you've grown and changed. Every ay your daddy and I continue to try and decide who you look most like. You have your daddy's chin and full lips, and mommy's nose and ears. You are the sweetest boy I've ever met in my life! I know I'm biased, but I mean it! You are already smiling when we talk to you, and you love looking around at lights. I've noticed lately you've started trying to focus in on the sounds you hear, and are starting to turn your eyes toward daddy's voice and mine.

You've become a healthy eater, and have gone through many phases of sleep cycles! The first few weeks you slept like a champ-- we're working on getting you back there! I think you're just too interested in this new world to sleep very much.

The faces you make are adorable!!! You love having your picture taken. You sit patiently and make sweet faces for mommy to send your Grandma, Granddad, Grandpop, aunties, uncles and cousins. Everyone who meets you says you're such a beautiful boy. They all fall in love with you immediately. I can't blame them baby boy, You are one unique little one.

I love each of your ten fingers and each of your ten toes. Your wavy brown hair and sweet little noses. I love those eyes that seem to be turning brown, and the heart of gold that is growing every day!

We love you sweet Grayson! Happy One Month to You!

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