Wednesday, May 26, 2010

We're Having......

We found out just a few weeks ago that we're having a BOY!!!! Ohhhh my gracious! A BOY!

Here we come football on friday nights, knots on the head from baseballs, worms on the kitchen floor, saving frogs, fishing on saturdays with Granddad, learning how to change a diaper without being squirted, first girlfriend getting called to the school for who-knows-what, hearing him say his first prayers, lovin' mama n jesus with all his heart, knowing daddy is his hero, camping out without worrying about gettin' dirty, and all the many many things my mind can't even get wrapped around yet!

We are so thrilled that our first born will be a boy! It was a little shock at first, Jacob had been called the baby a girl for weeks and weeks, only to be quite stunned when the ultrasound pictures had a little circle around this faint white spot!

We're just trying to breathe in the newness of the news and enjoy all the dreams we have for him. We can't begin to fathom what God has in store for his life, but we are so proud to be the ones to guide him through all the ups and down til the day we die!

We love you baby boy!!!!

Bbq at the Lewis'

Our house is becoming a home!! We received some amazing wedding gifts ranging from a filled pancake maker, a panini press, our beautful formal china to... A new barbacue grill!!!!

We brought home our Royal Oak grill yesterday and had so much fun grilling some amazing salmon! The marinade was so simple:

3 Tbsp Maple Syrup
3 Tbsp Dijon Mustard
1 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
Salt & Pepper

Mmmmmm! So fantastic!

I'm so proud of the company I work for making such a great grill. We just recently started a website where everything a person could need to know about our charcoal and grills can be found. There are even some fun recipes on there too.

The website is

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Spring time Love

Here are a few pictures of us from a photo shoot we did a few months ago with our amazing photographer Brandelyn Lee! The pictures turned out beautiful! She says it's because she had such great models, but I think it's because we had such a great photographer!

The pictures were taken out in the country just down the road from where we live. We had to do a little trespassing to get the shot with the old truck, which was quite fun in my heels :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

All it took was a Laugh...

..To grab my attention in the sea of a thousand singles. He didn't even know he'd done it, and truthfully he didn't even know I existed (yet).

But it was that laugh. There was no name and no face attached to it. Just carefree happiness with a hint of..something. I didn't know it then, but I would forever wake up to that laugh and fall asleep next to it to.

It all started when I decided to get outside my bubble a bit. I'd been dating someone for a long while and it was just getting to a point where it wasn't working anymore. The reasons we were together in college, just didn't seem to fit any more. So around that same time I decided to get more involved in singles ministry at my church (which is for anyone who is not married, not just "singles") and mad some great girlfriends. There was a movie on the lawn night held for everyone to attend, and I decided after talking myself out of it several times to go on my own and meet up with the girls.

Everyone had blankets and since I only knew 2 people there I quickly found them blopped down to people watch 'til Sweet Home Alabama started. While we waited people kept coming over to our squares of blankets to chat and introduce themselves. AND THEN... I heard it.

The Laugh.

Somewhere over my right shoulder I heard people taking and joking around, and all assudden I heard this male laugh that just.. stuck out. I turned around a bit to see what was going on and heard my friend say something like, "Gah, Jacccooob! That was so not funny!" Then more laughter.

I thought to myself, "Jacob? The one she's beentalking about? There's no way. Seriously? He's not asian! Wait.. why in the world did I think "Jacob" was asian?! He's pretty cute... seriously. Huh.... So that's Jacob."

My friend plopped back down next to me on the blanket and I leaned over and said, "THAT's jacob?! Seriously? Oh my gosh, he's so cute!" We all started laughing, and I can remember glancing oer waaaaaay across the lawn to see where he was sitting. He was around a bunch of girls, no surprise, but couldn't sit still for the world.

After the movie I hung around for a bit hoping maybe he'd come back by our group and I'd have an excuse to be introduced to the mystery laugh that belonged to this Jacob guy. Lo and behold, the excuse arrived and we were introduced....

Too bad he didn't even remember seeing me that night(and still doesn't!), and it would be weeks before we really got to know one another. But when the second opportunity arose he was hooked for the first moment. We just clicked instantly!!!

But I like to say, It all started with that one laugh!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Start of Something New

With the start of a new blog there should be so much to write, don't you think? But if I put it all into one post why would anyone want to come back for more?!

No No.. I think it's best to start out by introducing myself to anyone who may have just found me!

My name is Kaylan and I'm a crazy, silly girl (woman just doesn't "fit" for a 23yr old!) who lives in the deep south with her husband in our country castle fit for... well... we aren't sure yet home many it's fit for, But what we do know is that here shortly we will be waking up to coos and cries from down the hall at who knows what time of day!

We were just recently married, and had the most unbelievable wedding a man and woman could have EVER asked for!! We spent a week in St. Lucia recovering, and taking in the sweet moments of being Mr. and Mrs.!! Things feel so natural for us-- it's that really perfect bliss, but we had great reasons to be excited to come home and jump right back into the swing of life.

Full disclosure: We are both strong Christians, which means we are full of flaws and despite good intentions we sin and make daily right and wrong decisions. I say that because before we were married we found out we were expecting the the greatest gift God could give us. Either way you look at it, we couldn't possibly be more excited about what God is blessing us with in our lives, and the fact that even when we felt at our lowest and ashamed, He has never left our side even for an instant.

We're humbled daily by the love of our family and friends, and are sooooo blessed to have such positive, encouraging mentors and role models! We hope through this blog to share with family, friends and whoever happens upon our blog to share the ups and downs of our life and the wonderful in it!!! Let life begin!